Wednesday, September 17, 2008
This is the reason people who are not in the Christian subculture think we are nuts. This video is wonderfully horrible. To appreciate it's full horribleness make sure you watch it all the way through to catch the lyrics. You might be thinking to yourself... "self, this is the worst worship video I've ever seen!" But you would be wrong... wrong I tell you. I'll try to post the next one soon too. I'll give you a preview though... think bad 80's secular hit songs... some of the lyrics to that one are "you spin me right round Jesus right round." and "throw your hands in the aa---ya and wave um like you just don't caaa----ya"
that is awful on so many levels! What were they thinking?
Someone found one of the band members and did an interview. Thought you might be interested
That's great that you found the link... the wonders of the internet.
FIRST: I make distinctions between "praise" and "worship." Worship is directed TO GOD and Praise is directed toward others as you tell about God/Jesus or yourself in relation to God/Jesus. So, I would label this as "praise."
SECOND: After reading the dougsploitation link given by another commenter, I have a hard time believing in the authenticity, or sincerity, of the "praise"... There is something called "worshiping in Spirit and in truth..." I wonder if either is present here... I know, I know...I shouldn't judge the motives and sincerity of another person's worship or praise expression...however...!
THIRD: Having been a Charismatic Catholic just before that year, and Vatican II being a new thing (Masses in English were fairly new to these young people at this point) I know that "Jesus being a 'friend'" was a stretch away from the mysteries of Christ and the mass for a good Italian Roman Catholic - so this would have truly been considered RADICAL. That young people were willing to offer a public "rock" expression about Christ would have also been super exciting for the church that was trying desperately to reach youth and keep them in the church (ala: See how much FUN you can have as a Catholic?!)... As you know, throughout Roman Catholic church history, the church welcomed (incorporated) aspects of the surrounding culture in order to appeal to and draw in converts and, so, now we have things like Easter Bunnies, Day of the Dead, Halloween...
There were some crazy "folk songs" being used at that time in the church mass. The one I remember as most "distasteful!" was the trite and bouncy nursery-rhyme-sounding "Sons of God, hear His Holy Word, gather round the table of the Lord! Eat His Body, Drink His blood! And we'll sing a song of love! Hallelu - Hallelu - Hallelu-oo-oo-ja- ah!" WHAT?! Once I realized what I was singing, I never could quite get used to that one...!
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