Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Wonderfully Horrible Part 2 ...

Ok, so I can't wait to share this amazing tidbit with you. It's got horrible buzzing at the beginning as he's pratteling on about stuff... if you can fastforward to the singing... just know at the beginning he suggest that people make themselves comfortable and find something to spin around like a sock or a shoe or their keys... nothing better than a thousand sweaty bodies with dirty socks bouncing around... once again make sure you experience the full clip or jump through it in small increments ... you wouldn't want to miss the holy ghost hoe down or the rest of the medaly. I do confess that this might just be the worst worship ever as it's youtube name implies.

The scary thing to me is that rather than looking at the guy in disbelief, all those people dutifully did exactly what he said to do. Anyway that's a subject for another whole blog. Enjoy this one! For those of you who are older... WARNING: 80's flashback may occur.

Wonderfully Horrible...

This is the reason people who are not in the Christian subculture think we are nuts. This video is wonderfully horrible. To appreciate it's full horribleness make sure you watch it all the way through to catch the lyrics. You might be thinking to yourself... "self, this is the worst worship video I've ever seen!" But you would be wrong... wrong I tell you. I'll try to post the next one soon too. I'll give you a preview though... think bad 80's secular hit songs... some of the lyrics to that one are "you spin me right round Jesus right round." and "throw your hands in the aa---ya and wave um like you just don't caaa----ya"

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

And Now For Something Completely Different...

Tuesday, September 16, 2008 (8:30am)
And Now For Something Completely Different...

A couple of days ago I was looking at one of my student’s blogs. She had put her ipod on shuffle and then picked obscure lyrics from the songs that were the first 10 and put them up to see if people could identify them. Most of them were from bands who’s members are younger than most of my guitars. The only one that probably should have looked vaguely familiar, given my ancient age was "the girl with kaleidoscope eyes" (Ok you old farts... certainly you know this one.)

The scary thing was not only did I know all the bands, even if I was fuzzy on a few of the titles of the songs... but I actually knew the lyrics. Of course this particular student has a similar brain to mine and it’s not too surprising that she would have written those particular lyrics down. Hopefully she will be able to mock her friends sufficiently that the really old chick knew more than they did.

But the bigger lesson for me was a reminder about how much I learn from my students and how much my life is better because they almost force me to continue learning. I had lunch with one of my former students the other day... she’s a senior in high school now and she asked me if I ever learned things from my students and it made me start thinking about it.

I think as we start getting older we tend to fall back on the familiar, partially because it’s easier or we’re too tired to care. What was it that Bob Dylan said...???? "I used to care, but things have changed." But my students show up with new music week after week they are excited about. Sometimes at first listen my brain screams "why in the world would ANYONE like this stuff?!????" But because I care about them and most of them do have functional brains, my next thought is... let me listen to this more and see what it is about this that is making them so excited. I start listening with different ears. Thanks to them I definitely have eclectic taste in music now. Some of the music that is being produced by this generation is amazing for various reasons. Disco was the soundtrack of my generation in our teens and twenties... how horrible is that? Granted, some of the music being produced now is horrible either because of it’s lyrical content or it’s annoying music (don’t get me started on most rap and hip-hop) but some of it is wonderful too. So on the music front I decided to put up some music on my myspace page occasionally that might be different for some of you who are a little older, but is an example of what your kids or younger friends might be listening to. Visitors to this blog can find my myspace page at :

For me though, the take away for today is that my students ... your kids ... their generation ... is so worth listening to. Our relationships with them are so important. We need to take the time to dive into their worlds more and find out what is important to them and why and to assume there might be value in it because we value them. It’s not just music... it’s their other interests too. This generation more than any in a long time has really embraced their parent’s culture in a lot of ways. Most of my guitar students love some of the same things I loved when I was in jr. high and high school musically. And while those of us who are products of the 70s are still pretty much the "ME" generation in a lot of ways... preoccupied with our lives and our interests, and not very interested in investing in their lives... a lot of their generation actually believes they can make a difference in the world and each other’s lives. It does my heart good to see that.

So if the music on my myspace page seems a little weird from time to time, take a few minutes to listen. And whenever you get a chance, take the time to listen to and enjoy your own kids too with fresh eyes and ears. They are an amazing bunch. You can tell them I said so.

Sunday, September 14, 2008


Friday, September 12, 2008 (12:16pm)
Bringing the funny back...

Most people who hang out with me would tell you that even at the worst of times I can still almost always find something absurd to laugh about. Life these days can be more than just a little challenging with the 60 hours plus a week work week, the medical bills, etc. Sometimes I get more than just a wee bit overwhelmed. I have to shoo away that little pack of violinists who try to follow me around playing that annoying melancholy music. But even with all that and even though I spend most of my time in my teaching studio, life overall is pretty stinkin' amazing. The older I'm getting the more I'm convinced that when it's all said and done, our encounters and relationships with each other and with God are what really matter in this world. Crap happens. Life happens in the midst of the crap. Life is good.

I can laugh about almost anything. But I realized recently that even though I do have some pretty sinkin' funny stories about all the weird things I've experienced with the Christian subculture, there are some parts of it that I just find painful and infuriating. I've had a few too many encounters with people (including some I've worked with on staff at different churches) who used their power and circle of influence to wound the very people they were there to lead and serve. That is a place of profound pain for me as I've spent years with the people who's lives have been devastated in the name of Christian ministry. On my better days I know that any time you stick a bunch of humans together, you are going to get some amount of nastiness. Lately though I've found that when I think about the subculture (which is completely different in my mind than Jesus) the first thing I feel is grief, when I see the countless faces of friends who's lives are in turmoil currently.

Just recently I found a few blogs written by people who have also been immersed in the subculture who are pretty good being able to laugh at the weird part of it while still embracing the good that's there. I also like the fact that they have a similar snarky sense of humor and are willing to be honest about life in their worlds.

You can find two of them at the following places....
This site is often really funny, and sometimes really moving. It's also worth reading some of the archives... make sure you read the comments though... they are sometimes the best part. He nails the weird quirky part of the subculture. Thanks Jon... razzle dazzle... razzle dazzle.

I love Stacy's take on life and faith. Her blogs can be funny or moving (or both) but they are always well written. She's good at pointing out the weird part of the subculture too... plus she's been to Bible college which is a whole other source of material. I love her snarky sense of humor.

For those of my friends who patiently put up with my dogged participation in Christianity, hoping I'll grow out of it, I think you might enjoy these guy's blogs too. It's a good reminder that all "Christians" aren't joyless, mindless morons. Enjoy, and let me know what you think.

As for the above mentioned bloggers, as well as some of you on myspace who write about your life and faith with humor and raw honesty, I'll have to take the time to thank them and you too for reminding me again that there are a lot of weird, funny things about life, faith and it all. In the midst of the crap, there is a lot of good too. Who knew something that funny could also be good for my soul.


Yes, it's good we can laugh (good-naturedly, of course) at the weirdness and wackiness in the world. It's a reminder to not take ourselves too seriously. It's good to take the time to for amusement when all of us are so busy busy busy with work work work. I think it is necessary in order to keep sane. Sometimes when I need a laugh I will watch something like "The Farting Tilton Preacher" to cheer me up. For those of you who, like me, find fart noises amusing (I even own a remote control fart machine), you can watch "The Farting Tilton" on youtube....just type that in the search box.
Yes... both of us own remote control fart machines... alas there's nothing quite like farting preacher humor. ;)

I have been enjoying stuffchristianslike of late... he makes me laugh! And I'm with you about finding ways to laugh at all the nonsense while holding onto all that's relevant.You are a wonderfully dear woman to me and I am so glad our spaces bumped into each other!
I think you would enjoy the other one too. I like her writing... wind her up and watch her go. :)

For the record, I hope you never "grow out" of it. PS: I think I need to start writing again.
You are correct madam... you do need to start writing again... perhaps a little anti-penguin rant to get the process started again. You write... you write with penguins!

Thank you for this! And it is a great reminder that in the midst of all the crap life can fling at us, life is good.:) "I have to shoo away that little pack of violinists who try to follow me around playing that annoying melancholy music."...Hee! What a wonderful description. Thank you for this.
It's good to have other people to romp through the sucky parts with... or cry through the sucky parts... or sometime just laugh at the absurdness of the sucky parts.


"... I have to shoo away that little pack of violinists who try to follow me around playing that annoying melancholy music..."Linda, I am SOOO SORRY! I'll really truly try to learn some non-melancholy songs. But you know I don't do as well with the fast stuff. I'll try to work with that distortion pedal more.....
Ok... I would have choked if I was drinking anything. I'll make an exception in your case... as long as you also play some jaunty fiddle music... I know I'll play the accordian... don can play the tuba... lee can sing as a woman... oh wait we already did that.... doh! :)

am really wanting to play rhythmic guitar in a corner with poultry. I would even welcome the melancholy violinists, but only if it was Juanita who is always up for a jaunty jig as well.

Or one of those hellish over the top "women's" retreats/luncheons/horrors we've done in the past!

Friday, September 05, 2008

A New Day Dawns In California...

Tuesday, July 1, 2008 (1:55am)

A New Day Dawns In California...

Today, California's new hands free cell law goes into effect. For those of you who aren't from around these parts, it is now illegal to drive with your cell phone plastered to your ear. If the cops see you they can pull you over and give you a relatively hefty ticket. I do find it slightly ironic that you can still hold the phone in your hand or TEXT while driving, which seems like one of the most stupid things anyone could possibly do. I've noticed already since people have been getting ready there is less of the weaving around while talking thing going on. But I've read about several studies that have shown that driving while talking, even hands free drops your functional I.Q. to that of a slug. I wish people would quit using the phone as a hobby while driving and just drive their stinkin' cars.

One of the side effects here is that everyone now has blue tooth and they are wandering around everywhere while they are not driving talking on the phone. And, as I've said before they look at me like a crazy woman when I answer them when they would appear to be asking me, a complete stranger, a question when there is no one else around... and when I do answer them they jab their finger at their ear and point like they have some kind of worm boring into their brain at that particular moment. It's a weird world we live in.

So it will be interesting if it helps much with people driving so distracted... of course with gas at 4.69 or more a gallon around here perhaps just less traffic will help things a little bit. In the mean time I'll have to ignore the crazies wandering around talking to themselves like a bad scene out of a zombie movie.